These are samples of graphics created for 4 separate corporate brands & published on the major social media channels - organized by brand and then by type or series. (From 2019 to mid-2021)

DES or Diesel Emissions Services is primarily a diesel truck repair and aftertreatment cleaning and service company With 4 physical locations on the west coast and in Canada, the focus is on serving the heavy-duty transportation industry.

These are from a series of posts over a few weeks highlighting key points from a DES blog article on diesel truck maintenance.

This was done for a month-long sequence of posts around a blog article on Aftertreatment Maintenance.

Redline Emissions Products. REP manufactures and distributes aftertreatment replacement parts and DPF cleaning equipment for the HD trucking industry. The marketing focus is B2B in order to build a network of REP parts distributors and DPF cleaning facilities.
Again, each grouping of images represents a series of social media posts around a specific blog article on the REP website.

Filtertherm® is a brand that manufactures Aftertreatment DPF Cleaning equipment for fleets and diesel repair facilities

E-commerce store for aftermarket diesel aftertreatment parts, equipment, OEM surplus, engines, exhaust, and related accessories. These are a sampling of the social media graphics created to promote the store and specific parts.